Warrior for God
About Tracy
Hello, I am so happy you found my page. God has a plan and gives all of us a unique story to further His purpose. My story isn’t better than yours, but I want to share what I have learned to help as many people as I can. Some say, “The only way out is through,” and I can tell you that I have been through a lot, but I have come out stronger than ever.
I worked in accounting in the corporate world for many years after finishing college. In 2000, I discovered hypnosis and soon thereafter became a certified hypnotherapist, which led me deep into new-age practices. I set my Christian faith aside during these years, and my new non-Christian practices hurt many people, including my family. It all came to a head when I realized I was involved in a very dangerous ideology. Thanks to divine intervention, I was saved and became a true believer in Jesus Christ. Coming out of the new age belief system was very difficult and took years. Many don’t realize the dangers of hypnosis, self-hypnosis, meditation, psychic readings, Reiki, and other new age practices. They appear safe and feel good, so most people believe these practices are okay.
I ended up closing my hypnotherapy practice when my brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I was blessed to have four months to spend with him and help care for him. After his passing, my dog got sick and had multiple surgeries, including the removal of one eye. She had been with me through the hardest years, so letting her go was devasting.
Two years later, a good friend of mine became ill, and the doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her. I felt so helpless, and eventually, she took her own life. A year later, I became sick with very similar symptoms. Ironically, during this time, I worked for a local healthcare system as a health and wellness coach. I ended up on disability as my health continued to decline, and I lost my career, friends, and social life. Life as I knew it was over. Still to this day, I continue to recover from the aftermath of Lyme disease, mold toxicity, and mercury poisoning. Update: As I am getting ready to publish this, new life challenges have surfaced that are testing my faith like never before. We must always remember to trust God while He uses trials to help us grow into spiritual maturity.
Everyone experiences the dark night of the soul at some point. This is an extremely difficult time in a person’s life, and I have been there a few times. In these dark times, I experienced depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, marriage/family issues, loss, chronic illness, doubt, fear, loneliness, and more.
Getting through such dark times requires faith, and I may not know specifically how you feel or what you are going through, but I am here for you, and I sympathize and empathize with you. You are the reason I created this program; you, as in all of you who are hurting and don’t know what to do or where to turn for help. I hope and pray this process can help those of you who are in pain and feeling alone—because you are not alone! Life is hard, and when you are not prepared, you can easily fall into the dark realm of hopelessness. But remember, you have hope in Jesus Christ, and you can do all things through Him.
"I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
- Philippians 4:13
Member of the American Association of Christian Counselors